Tuesday, January 21, 2014

This is about responsible-college-student stupidity.

Right now I'm sitting in a class I'm not enrolled in.

Yes, this is the kind of crazy college recklessness I'm getting into.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

This is about that black guy who loves QOTSA…and interracial dating.

black white dating, http://www.flickr.com/photos/49326187@N07/
My friends and family have teased me saying "Watch - you'll end up with a white man."

Despite knowing my anxiety-borderline-fear of dealing with all the pitfalls of interracial dating (opposition, ignorance, festishism, discrimination, just to name a few), they say this more because of my tastes.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

This is about triflin dudes and their ridiculous, hypocritical, and contradicting standards for women.

Once you push past the ridiculous spelling and emojis and judgment of this person based solely on grammatical errors and misusing the purposes of a full keyboard, you can better see the main argument.

What this man means to say is that all females generate an excessive amount of problems and false attitudes, yet he will tolerate them for the female he has decided to be in a relationship with. As for other females behaving this way, he will ignore them and/or treat them with cold hostility so they understand he will not be entertaining such behavior.