Friday, June 13, 2014

This is about "The Friend Zone".

500 Days of Summer (2009) - Jen
He claims to have been friend zoned, but he's actually claiming himself to be a self-entitled misogynist. This isn't to say that his experience is invalid, it's just that his perspective happens to be very problematic.

Everyone has experienced The Friend Zone at one point or another. You attempt to show someone your wish of pursuing something more. That person then reminds you of how good a friend - a brother - a sister - you are, and just like that you find yourself flailing about The Friend Zone.

The Friend Zone is real, and so are the feelings behind them. No one likes rejection, and it’s especially painful when you believe your presence would greatly benefit the significant other. 

The problem with The Friend Zone is while it can be applied to all types of love regardless of sexuality or gender, it only seems to be valid when applied to heterosexual relationships in which the male is “friend-zoned” by the female.