Thursday, February 28, 2013

This is the consensus to "the black girl thing".

To my very huge and dramatic surprise, no one said anything.
But the large number of views on This is about the "black girl" thing., however, was a surprise.

So thank you all for viewing!
And a very special thanks to my girl Tori who told the Twitter-verse:
cropping & pasting this together was not fun

Why thank you Tori for your wonderful words! (For real, home girl is awesome so follow her @tmoneyy, that's t - as in the letter - money - as in the currency - y - as in extra y. @tmoneyy!)

And another special thanks to my girl Taylor who retweeted the tweet that started the tweets that tweeted to you about my blog post!
Thank you much Taylor for the inspiration! (And follow this fly girl right here @TaylorChere. As in [search] [@TaylorChere] [loading...] [profile...follow] *click* [following], now @TaylorChere!)

I digress to give you my wrap up on "the black girl thing" which is...
It exists.
That seems to be the only consensus I can give you. Obviously this is a real thing. Just turn on your TV and count how many times you see black beauty and Afrocentric features celebrated (that is, Afrocentric features celebrated on woman of African descent. Sorry Kim K and JLo). 
Apparently guys just don't want to be put on the spot about these things. That's fair I guess. I'll just have to stick to creeping on conversations via social media...and hallways...and restaurant lines.
So I'll just sign off on this topic (for a while anyway) with a quote from the one and only Rupaul:
"If you don't love yourself, 
how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?!"
Yes, I'm talking to you brothas ;)

Hope you had a beautiful Black History Month!
This is,

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