Friday, February 21, 2014

This is about how not to celebrate Black History Month.

one more week left!
1. Do not tell that "February is the shortest month of the year" joke. Everybody knows the joke. So stop. Hell, I'd take just one week for Black History if that meant classrooms would actually teach more than just Dr. King and Rosa Parks - as if my history just began in 1964. But I guess for white America my history did begin in 1964…I digress to say that the joke - much like my public school education - is stale. Move on.

2. Do not serve fried chicken and watermelon in school cafeterias to celebrate Black History Month.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

This is about subtweeting and the diversity of Disney Princess.

I couln't not say anything...
This post is being written in an effort not to subtweet someone.

I hate the concept of subtweeting. I think its really ridiculous and often starts more drama than if the person was confronted directly.

However, sometimes you have to choose your battles. I could have went in on level 10 but it was 8-something in the morning and I really didn't have the energy to summarize all my refuting points into 140 characters.

This tweet addresses the issue of majority groups speaking for minority groups.